quarta-feira, julho 13, 2005

But, If You're Thinkin' About My Baby
It Don't Matter If You're Black Or White

Um filme que muitos poucos conhecem e que muitos poucos acharam que poderia valer a pena ser visto é Tempo de matar (A time to kill). Filme com atores duvidosos como Matthew McConaughey, Sandra Bullock, a família Sutherland( Donald e Kiefer) e Oliver Platt (que eu pessoalmente gosto, mas sei que não é lá muito bem visto) e com dois bons atores que são Samuel L. Jackson e, o ótimo, Kevin Spacey. A história é sobre um pai (Jackson) que descobre que sua filha fora violentada, estuprada e morta por dois bebados e, no auge de sua fúria, persegue ambos e os mata. Filme de tribunal, com algumas boas sacadas e outras nem tão boas.

Mas eu gosto mesmo de um monólogo do advogado de defesa(McConaughey) que passo abaixo:

Jake Tyler Brigance: [in his summation, talking about Tonya Hailey] I want to tell you a story. I'm going to ask you all to close your eyes while I tell you the story. I want you to listen to me. I want you to listen to yourselves. Go ahead. Close your eyes, please. This is a story about a little girl walking home from the grocery store one sunny afternoon. I want you to picture this little girl. Suddenly a truck races up. Two men jump out and grab her. They drag her into a nearby field and they tie her up and they rip her clothes from her body. Now they climb on. First one, then the other, raping her, shattering everything innocent and pure with a vicious thrust in a fog of drunken breath and sweat. And when they're done, after they've killed her tiny womb, murdered any chance for her to have children, to have life beyond her own, they decide to use her for target practice. They start throwing full beer cans at her. They throw them so hard that it tears the flesh all the way to her bones. Then they urinate on her. Now comes the hanging. They have a rope. They tie a noose. Imagine the noose going tight around her neck and with a sudden blinding jerk she's pulled into the air and her feet and legs go kicking. They don't find the ground. The hanging branch isn't strong enough. It snaps and she falls back to the earth. So they pick her up, throw her in the back of the truck and drive out to Foggy Creek Bridge. Pitch her over the edge. And she drops some thirty feet down to the creek bottom below. Can you see her? Her raped, beaten, broken body soaked in their urine, soaked in their semen, soaked in her blood, left to die. Can you see her? I want you to picture that little girl. Now imagine she's white.

segunda-feira, julho 11, 2005

Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves

Televangelist: How do you think your God will judge you? Well, friends, now we know. When there is no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.

Hora de quebrar estilo de posts! Hora de inovar! Hora de chutar a bunda de alienigenas malvados com nosso germes!!! Ai ai...

Adoro histeria em massa!!! Adoro!
Os homens voltando a ser os animais irracionais que eles nunca deixaram de ser. Aquela coisa de "antes eu do que você", ou no caso de ser uma coisa ruim, "antes você do que eu". As pessoas correndo desesperadas, fazendo todos os tipos de burradas, se matando e se atropelando ao invés de se ajudarem. Ótemo!!! Situações limite para todo mundo.

Ainda vou fazer o meu filme apocaliptico. Vou fazer dois deles na verdade. Um mais tranquilo, com aquele ar sci fi, com profundas considerações sobre a natureza humana e tudo mais que eu achar que é legal num filme apocaliptico. E outro sobre histeria em massaaaaa!!!

*Bang Bang*